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Dice Tales Live: Episode #82: Dark Roads, Part 2

The episode begins with a brief reminder of the events of the previous episode, as Jil explored her past. The adventure begins at 0:51.The mark on Jil’s dagger led Jil, Kallista, and Leath to the Yawning Portal, where Jil met her father’s family, but learned that her father himself was on an adventure down the Portal. Will Jil be able to resist the call of her past?Music and sound F/X by Syrinscape.


Dice Tales Live: Episode #81: Dark Roads, Part 1

The episode begins with a shoutout to our sponsors and friends of the show, followed by a brief reminder of where the previous episode left off. The story picks up at 4:21.The Children of Destiny are about to embark on a quest for a mythical blade that just might be able to destroy the Seed. But before they can leave, Galen reveals that she’s seen the mark on Jil’s dagger somewhere before…Music and sound F/X by Syrinscape.


Dice Tales Live: Episode #80: Confessions, Part 3

The episode begins with a summary of the events of Episode #79. The adventure begins at 0:55, as the tribunal draws to its weighty conclusion.Paladin Ashblade admitted that he intentionally sent Beyonce’s young admirers to their deaths in order to reflect badly on Beyonce. The tribunal has sentenced him to death…at Beyonce’s hand. Will Beyonce mete out Tyr’s unflinching justice, or will he find another way?Music and sound F/X by Syrinscape.


Dice Tales Live: Episode #79: Confessions, Part 2

The episode begins with a brief reminder of what transpired in the previous episode, as the Children of Destiny returned to the Temple of Tyr following their expedition into the sewers of Waterdeep. The adventure begins at 0:45.While Beyonce grappled with guilt and Leath forged a connection with one of Tyr’s acolytes, Kallista, Jil, and Seamus decided to pay a visit to Paladin Ashblade, suspecting his involvement in the deaths of the Swarm members…Music and sound F/X by Syrinscape.


Dice Tales Live: Episode #78: Confessions, Part 1

The episode begins with some love for our sponsors and friends of the show, followed by a brief reminder of where we left our fearless adventurers at the end of the previous episode. The story picks up at 4:31.The Children of Destiny have defeated the yuan-ti in the sewers, but their arrival was too late for two members of the Swarm. Was Paladin Ashblade connected to the Swarm’s ill-advised mission into the sewers? And what will Beyonce do about it?Music and sound F/X by Syrinscape.


Dice Tales Live: Episode #77: Snake Eyes, Part 3

Dice Tales Live: Episode #77: Snake Eyes, Part 3The episode begins with a quick summary of Episode #76. The adventure begins at 0:23, as the battle comes to a close.The Children of Destiny have dispatched the criminals in the sewer hideout and avenged the dead members of the Swarm, but the illicit dragon egg trade goes much deeper…Music and sound F/X by Syrinscape.


Dice Tales Live: Episode #76: Snake Eyes, Part 2

The episode begins with a brief reminder of what transpired in the previous episode, as the Children of Destiny entered the sewers of Waterdeep in pursuit of their prey. The adventure begins at 0:30.Upon learning that several young members of the Temple of Tyr (all admirers of Beyonce) had just been killed by a monster in the sewers, the Children of Destiny forged on, bracing for battle. Does a dragon lurk in the sewers beneath Waterdeep?Music and sound F/X by Syrinscape.


How to Overcome Writer’s Block

If you’re a Dungeon Master (DM), chances are you’ve experienced phases of writer’s block. Occasionally, creativity can strike at the spur of the moment during game play, but other times planning is required ahead of time. That begs the question: what should you do when you’re facing writer’s block? We put together a few tips to help you get creatively inspired and overcome writer’s block.BrainstormOur first tip comes from Reddit user Coord26673— “Brainstorm with critical thinking, write down an NPC name, who are they, why are they there, what is their goal, when do they need to achieve it, how… Continue reading »


Dice Tales Live: Episode #75: Snake Eyes, Part 1

The episode begins with a shoutout to our sponsors and friends of the show, followed by a brief reminder of where our adventurers landed at the end of the previous episode. The story picks up at 4:29.The Children of Destiny have followed the yuan-ti involved in the trade of illicit dragon eggs to a sewer grate that presumably leads to their hideout. What will they find, deep in the sewers of Waterdeep?Music and sound F/X by Syrinscape.


Dice Tales Live: Episode #74: The Vengeful Blade, Part 3

The episode begins with a quick summary of Episode #74. The adventure begins at 0:34, with our heroes preparing to spy on the clandestine meeting Galen has set up with some people claiming to be selling dragon eggs.Galen is determined to find and stop the source of the illicit trade in dragon eggs, and Beyonce will do whatever it takes to help them. In order to do that, the Children of Destiny will need to successfully track the criminals back to their hideout…Music and sound F/X by Syrinscape.

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